Hi Grinity,
Thanks for your thoughtul response. I don't have any 2E issues that I know of, but at the bare minumum, had /have some major OEs and sensory sensitivities. I remember getting so excited with a topic I would feel as though I was going to burst and then would blurt out answers too soon. My difficult behaviors weren't really that bad, just enough to annoy some teachers and have other teachers adore me. Once I got into independent learning situations and college and grad school, I liked school, but would get over-exited by certain topics and bubble up and over. I challenged teacher's authority esp. when it came to ideas. I was a published poet and creative writer and sometimes I would also feel that way with creative ideas. Now in late adulthood, I realize I am someowhat sensory sensitive to noises, light, smells, etc. My DD4 is getting OT for sensory issues, but so far, no one is coming up with anything else for her restlessness and talkativeness and intensity besides her personality. Time will tell. I think we both sound a little ADHD at times.
Although she said she had fun at school, she told me last night that she said things during circle time about the "baby things" they were doing. They are slowly teaching the letter A and counting to ten--really? I can't imagine that is normal four year old curriculum. I arrived early and they were doing a group activity (there are 19 of them in the class) where they had to take turns and go up and circle the letter A in text) and I was really amazed that my DD4 sat there, was quiet, and just waited her turn. Some people may see this as squashing her individuality and stunting her intellect, but I am not worried about those things with her as much as worrying about her ability to control her impulses and get along with others since those are her greater challenges.
We are visiting a gifted preschool this week. I think that it helps that they are playing or doing crafts / singing most of the day. They are also working on their writing which is great.
Last edited by TwinkleToes; 09/14/10 04:06 AM.