Originally Posted by Grinity
Would you send her to a preschool room to be the only 4 year old among 2 year olds to learn social skills? No - no one would. Why would you send her to a preschool room with agemates who are verbally 2-4 years behind her to learn social skills? Do you think that they are having fabulous thoughts on the inside and just not able to express themselves? I think this is possible but unlikely. Normal Human Development is a beautiful thing - it just doesn't help your DD.

My children have been years ahead of their agemates linguistically, but emotionally and developmentally they are right on track. In my experience it doesn't matter if one child uses complex sentence structures and the other one uses very little language at all, when they're wrestling over a toy, struggling with the concept of taking turns, co-ordinating their hole digging or princess dress wearing activities. They enjoy each other's company and learn how to negotiate socially. I've seen kids play happily together even when they don't speak the same language.

What breaks my heart is when a two or three year old does a typical two or three year old thing and a four or five year old scorns or belittles them for being socially unaware or making a mistake. It doesn't make so much of an impact when it's infrequent, but a two year old with four and five year olds every day might have a very difficult time of it.