Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
The only thing she doesn't seem to like is Mandarin. She absolutely refuses to use the language and has even made claim that the teacher is no longer coming to her school. haha She loves French and is fluent in Spanish. My guess is with some time she will give in to Mandarin.

This made me chuckle! My DD8 went to a french babysitter from the age of 1-5. She spent 2-3 days per week with this lovely lady and a few other french speaking children. We only speak English, but it was a good fit for DD because the lady spoke fluent English as well and was happy to use both languages with her. The funny part was, in the entire time she spent there, DD REFUSED to learn to speak french. By the time she was 2.5 Karen stopped translating what she was saying and DD could understand perfectly. Each time she was encouraged to speak in french she would shake her head and say "Sorry Karen, you know I don't speak Spanish." Even now she understands what is being said in french but can only say a few words. I guess she just put her foot down and refused to learn.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery