Originally Posted by Iucounu
We got the full results, which include:

asking if DS5 can take the MAP test in the next couple of days, so that we would "have more information" before the TAT team meeting on Friday. In our school first graders and above apparently take the MAP twice a year, at the beginning and end of each school year.

This sounds like a bald-faced attempt to negate his new scores and deny him needed acceleration. The whole testing was necessary because of the K teacher's statements that he was "right where he needed to be", and now this happens. I have drafted an email response to the guidance counselor, and am debating whether to send it or not:

((happy dance and fist pump))
Good Job Lucounu for going forward and getting the testing to quantify the home-behavior you have observed!!!!!!

I do disagree that the MAP testing is a bald attempt to undo the testing data. I think it's more likely to translate unfamiliar language (IQ-speak) into familiar 'we can work with that' language.

For example, if they are going to skip him, wouldn't it be nice to skip him into a classroom that had many kids similar to your son in MAP test scores? Maybe they would look at the MAP testing and decide that a single skip wasn't enough and to suggest a skip of two or three grades - whatever it takes to get some readiness level peers near by.

Well, that does seem far fetched, but, it's possible!

Love and More Love,

Last edited by Grinity; 04/26/11 03:08 AM.

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