I'd be leery about the proposed plan too. Cooperative learning is a great tool but used in the way she described can backfire. However, the examples of it backfiring is more in older classrooms. Gifted children feel used and placed into the role of the teacher especially when their own education is not considered can leave with a negative experience. It really depends on your son's personality. Is he the type that enjoys helping others? If he is then he might be okay with it, but I would insist that this does not become his only role within the class.

From the rest of what you wrote I really don't know what your feelings are about the meeting. Did you come away thinking they are taking this seriously and want to help or do you feel that they are going through the motions and you have your doubts? My guess is you are still trying to digest it all.

The fact that they are going to test is a positive but not knowing what kind of test I can't really say how positive. I do wonder about his teacher... she seems to have changed her tone since speaking with her last night. A little to wishywashy in my opinion. Perhaps there was an earlier meeting before this one?

Do keep us posted as they progress. Here is hoping that they get it right.