Originally Posted by Grinity
Iucounu -
Remember that fine line between clever and stupid? I'm guessing that you keep that line around to remind yourself not to go nuts over thinking things.

It's actually so that I exercise the proper amount of tact in designing album covers.

Originally Posted by Grinity
I wouldn't suggest EPGY for math until it's clear that your son needs more.

It's clear that he does, at least to the extent that his time in school shouldn't be wasted, and that's the problem. He won't learn any new concepts in the second-grade math curriculum. Enrichment is fine, but it's not the whole picture; he deserves to learn some new concepts, just as he deserves to practice problem-solving.

I'll hold back a bit and let the acceleration "take", I guess, although I'm not happy that the math problem is not going to be resolved. I don't think the principal has time to sit with a class every day, we don't have money for a tutor, and I would feel like suggesting I pay for a tutor to sit with their group of students would be a little too forward anyway. Thanks for the advice on the specialist.

Can you hold back on the math over the summer without causing great stress? If you can find something else to work on - such as 'nature' or a second language that doesn't further seperate him from his classmates, that seems like a wise choice - just don't be too suprised when he leaps ahead anyway.

To me, that's uncomfortably like binding his feet so we don't have to buy bigger shoes. He's started learning Spanish using Berlitz and a computer program, since I figure that's a useful language to know. He already picks up science, and I can increase that along with everything else, but it shouldn't come at the expense of math learning if he's interested. These are my own opinions, but I am very glad to have your advice and will think about it over the coming weeks. Thank you!

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick