Originally Posted by freya
The special ed teacher might work here especially as she sounds like she's very interested. I'd load her up with a full portfolio of his achievements not just the video she's asked about. Perhaps she could do a pull out once or twice a week with one or two particularly bright kids in 1st or 2nd. 2nd will probably be a better match but 1st would give your ds some class peers if he does do a skip next year (or later this year).

Great ideas. I am putting together some portfolio items now.

On the testing front it may be worthwhile talking to them to see if the testing could meet DYS requirements. If it does, and he has qualifying scores, it's a win for both you and the school especially as the school hasn't dealt with this situation previously. If DYS is an option I think he's too young for the WISC and may not have enough headroom on the WPPSI so the SB V might be the best option - the experts will know the answer.

I had some of these thoughts too, including them being able to learn from DYS if it is available. I held off during the initial meeting on suggesting such things because 1) I don't want to come off as a pushy dad right now (although that wouldn't change his test scores, and I will push nicely if necessary, I want to have as good a relationship as possible, and they've been pretty reasonable so far for a school just ramping up their kindergarten program), 2) they said that if warranted, they would do more testing after the initial round, but that we'd be meeting to discuss things before then.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick