colinsmom- what you posted made sense to me.
my ds5.11 (w/ aut) is at begin stage of the current ds7 discussions saga... so i am learning a lot.
it's like a roadmap drawn out for me!
i am bumping my son from kinder up to 1st gr at science magnet where he will be placed in their gifted program to differentiate and cluster him w/ his academic peers/and agewise peers, all in 1st grade.
i am quite excited. this doesn't happen until jan 2013. and only IF he can get in via lottery...
still it is something to try for!
in meantime after reading this whole "saga" smile i am going to afterschool him with singapore math and begin to push phonics and LA. (they don't teach phonics in school! but that is how my son taught himself to read... beg age 2, and i firmly believe in phonics myself smile
anyways thanks to everyone on this entire thread for all the insight and knowledge i now feel armed with- armed and ready for battle smile with the principal, IEP folks- you name it!
happy wedsnesday.

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller