Originally Posted by Iucounu
It turns out that he has DYS-qualifying scores despite extreme testing anxiety that led him to not answer many questions (I hope never to have to put him through those tests again).
Hey - that's great news! I'm sorry it was hard on him and hope that by the time he's ready to take SATs or ACTs for College that he actually enjoys the experience.

Must be nice to see the confirmation of your son's academic needs finally!

Keep documenting what is going on at the school, and all the conversations with the teacher. I think it's time for an email, cced to the Principle where you review what was discussed, and what the options are, and which option is going to be put in place.

BTW - has subject acceleration already been ruled out? It seems like a visit to an older room for Math and Science would add sparkle to your son's day while allowing him to be 'a kid' for a bit longer.

Personally I think the behavior isn't enough reason not to place him in 1st now and go to 2nd next Fall. What would you rather have: time for him to 'do his own thing' after school and 'be a kid' during his free time, or a change to 'be a kid' during kindy but lack of free time because the academic needs have to be filled?

To me, the biggest question is 'does he enjoy his age peers more would he rather interact with older kids?' The academics have to be.

Love and More Love,

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