This whole thing is soooo bizarre. I am stuck on the floor with a teething fussy baby (finally!) asleep in my lap, so I went and read the drama. I've had people "cyber bully" me before on various forums. It did upset me one time, but that is because I posted opinions that some people really didn't like. Oops.

It is the internet... People do sometimes say things they wouldn't say in person. So what.

No one was even mean to Jen. Seriously, you just questioned her motives. I post links to my sites sometimes on MDC when I don't feel like typing out a huge paragraph on how to wash cloth diapers, but I've only done it like 3 times. If someone doesn't want to read my article, they can ignore it. I DO make money from my sites, and I definitely hope someone will buy something I recommend. However, I write about things I really believe in and care about and then find a way to monetize my articles so I can help support my family.

So, I don't necessarily think people posting links to their money-making sites are spammers, though they could be...

I will remember to try not to post any self-serving links here, though. ;D

Last edited by islandofapples; 08/05/11 03:15 PM.