Originally Posted by Grinity
I also would like to be upfront about our 'pro-gradeskipping' flavor. Not that we think gradeskipping has no downside or is a cure-all, but there are lots of families here for whom it is a least-worst option. But that if a person joins who can't imagine why anyone would do such a thing to a child, then they should at least be warned tread gently and to stick to personal experience instead of proclimation of opinions in that particular area. I have no idea how to put that.
I didn't realize we have a pro-gradeskipping flavor, although I think we're certainly anti-anti-gradeskipping. I'm thoroughly against warning people not to voice their opinions, although there are certainly bad ways to voice any opinion. Not every person with a non-mainstream opinion is a troll, and no matter how pro-gradeskipping we are, being exposed to other viewpoints will not break us.

There's a similar situation to what you suggest on a different forum where they have an anti-vaccination slant. To put it mildly, they are not very welcoming of anything even approaching a contrary view, even though they have one forum that's theoretically open for general discussions about vaccination.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick