Originally Posted by Grinity
I'm sorry you've been feeling that the one-upping is more prominient, what a drag - I haven't been percieving that.

I could have phrase my ideas better. I feel that there have been more instances than previously of what I think of as bragging to make others feel inadequate, as opposed to celebrating some wonderful achievement or whatever.

Made up example of the former:

"I'm having trouble getting little DS to write. He hates it. Any suggestions?"

Reply to engender inadequacy: "My DD started writing when she was 4 months old! I gave her some bright crayons and some construction paper."

Thoughtful reply: "Have you tried X or Y? Check this thread from a year ago..."

One of the worst offenders of this kind of thing (IMHO) hasn't posted in a while. But my point was that it came up, it put me off the board, but I don't want to formally regulate speech (at least, not in this way).

Example of celebrating achievement: see the Ultimate Brag thread.