Originally Posted by La Texican
Here we are, at the bottom of the page.
Originally Posted by Jen's Gifted Resources page
I am not including a link to the Davidson Gifted BB. I have heard from other people that they have had a positive experience with that message board, but I myself was a victim of cyber-bulling on Davidson Gifted, by none other than (whom I suspect) is the creator of the WikiGifted page. Since then, other people have privately shared with me their own negative experiences on the Davidson Gifted board, some of which were really heart-wrenching. This leads me to question whether or not that board is adequately moderated, and to question whether it is a safe place for parents to seek support and share ideas. I would exercise caution in interacting with both of those sites.

WTH? Seriously?

Heart-wrenching experiences? (Perhaps Jen's been talking to Sylwester-the-NASA-man or something. Who knows.)

There are what, 100,000+ posts in these forums and she's publicly writing something like that after actively participating in a half-dozen conversations? Maybe the constructivist chapter on statistics is a bit thin.

I was up against a stack of deadlines when the original thread starring jenbrdsly occurred, so didn't get to look too closely at it. After seeing so many mention it, though, I'm sorry, but the train-wreck enthusiast in me just couldn't resist.

When I first followed a few of her links, I didn't consider her blog to be commercial, but then I refreshed the page after turning off my ad-blocker. Um, yeah, a little bit commercial in my book.

Adding on to Val's stats above, what strikes me as odd is how close together (in time) her early posts were, and how many of those were just resurrecting some older topics.

Walks like a duck and all that.

-- -- --

So I guess even the rabid laissez-faire part of me wouldn't mind a mention or two in the Guidelines about avoiding spammy behavior.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz