I meant really what would you say? Like, make a list. I almost think instead of the rules saying, "don't compare kid's and brag too much", "don't push an agenda", and "don't try to shut somebody up", maybe it's better to make a clear vision statement of what we do want to create. That's why I mentioned one thing that makes this board completely different than any other is the live posting of test results. It was my first impression and probably most of yours, the list on the side saying s-b 5 results, another Wisc IV question... Now the topic titles look more conversational. Maybe a great place to start would be to more clearly define the topics that are thread-worthy. That would get more milage than micro-managing responses.

For a personal code of conduct rule I know a good compromise. K, I stole it from lucounu and Grinnity before it gets burried. I think it would work for everybody, the sensitive bleeding hearts and Val. Maybe it's because I have small kids but I'm imagining the results can be comical. Maybe, since we're gifted, we could shoot for the moon and make a 100% nobody gets offended consensus rule. It would be a rule that says if somebody sees something cringeworthy in your post they type "Rephrase", then you think for a minute and make another post worded differently. If your heart's softened one or two re-writes will still make your point and concede the others feelings. If it's "one of those things" you might have two people take up 3pgs. on the rephrase rule. It's got potential.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar