Originally Posted by LDmom
Originally Posted by LDmom
...and love coming back to find it just the way it was.
Just realized it isn't the way it was with Dottie gone. Sob. Fingers crossed that Grin won't leave us...at least for the near future. Apologies for this post...entirely off-topic!

LOL - I'm not going anywhere. But I do think that there is a difference between disagreeing with someone diplomatically and lovingly and a spontaneous shot from the hip that would likely hurt someone else's feelings for no reason.

Search 'Snark' for more details. I'm calling on all of us to behave ourselves with party manners here. We are in public even if it doesn't feel like it, and we'll never know more than 10% of the true full picture of anyone's post.

I think of this forum as a sort of social experiment. Can adult gifties who grew up without enough peers to really practice their full inheritance of social skills grow to the point where they can disagree without being disagreeable? What about disagreeing with total love? (I say things to people that they don't want to hear on a pretty frequent basis, right?)

Some of us didn't get much chance to develop our intellect, some did. Parenting is an opportunity to develop our 'hearts' - which believe me are as gifted as our intellects. We are making the transition from pouring all that love into our children to being able to pour that love towards everyone we meet. So yes, I do consider this place as a social experiment, as much as a place to share about giftedness. In my mind the two are inseparable.

I can't go to any other Public Gifted Forum - too much talking without listening, too much 'regular life.' So of course I worry that as we grow, this will become like any other place on the Internet.

Maybe we need 'traditions' instead of rules?

If we learn, then so much is worth it, but if we just repeat our habits, then it's going to get hard. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, but I hope I am.

Love and More Love,

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