Originally Posted by Cricket2
Dd continues to overlook pieces of directions and has lowered her grade one full letter grade on every test I've seen due to this (loses enough points for not doing part of the directions to bring it down from a B to a C, for instance). The last one entailed a whole page of ?s that asked her to list the factors for a set of numbers and then state the GCF. She wrote down the correct GCF for all but one of the numbers but didn't list any of the other factors, losing a significant # of points.

My DS does this quite alot. He will often put down the final anwser but not show the steps that were asked for. He also sometimes forgets to answer questions or parts of questions.

I don't know what your DDs math tests look like, but I find my DSs tests are often visually distracting with little pictures, different sized fonts and unequal spacing between questions -- I'm pretty sure he would do better with a plainer, easier to read page layout with a really obvious place to put each answer. Also, would the teacher be willing to read over the questions with your DD 5 minutes before the test to make sure she knows what is being asked for (ie "in this question, you need to write down ALL the factors, and then write the GCF)?