So, I spoke with the parent liason in the special ed office and here's what she told me:

* dd would not qualify for an IEP regardless of the dx b/c an IEP requires them to show significant educational impact which their office defines as a child performing below grade level. Even if it is a significant impact in that it is making it such that she isn't performing close to her own ability, she is too able to have an IEP b/c she is compensating well enough to never fall below grade level.

* dd could qualify for a 504. This does not require any testing from the school and, in fact, normally does not include any testing done by the school.

Essentially, what I was getting was that dd is too intelligent to have an IEP regardless of how significantly ADD (or whatever) is impacting her education. Thus, 2e kids don't get special ed services unless their disability is so huge that they perform below grade level. I'd gather from that that HG+ don't get IEPs.

I don't know that I need her to have an IEP. A 504 might be fine. I'm going to play it by ear for now and see what the private psych says before we decide what to do.