Originally Posted by Cricket2
Both prior assessments were done privately and paid for by us. The first one consisted solely of the WISC-IV and a brief report. The second was much more comprehensive but I can't say that I agree with the psych who did it in that she said: 1) dd does not have any LDs b/c her WIAT (achievement scores) were higher than expected per IQ, 2) she should not be placed in accelerated classes despite high IQ and individual achievement b/c she wants to be normal and it might make her feel like she stands out, and 3) she doesn't have ADD b/c her teacher's behavioral scale said that she didn't. She had no explanation for the wild achievement and ability fluctuation other than maybe dd was anxious and we were hothousing her (not in those words, but it came across that way). A negative comparison to her sister was also written into the report (along the lines of "she's smart, but doesn't appear to be as smart as her sister.")

This is so sad. ((Hugs)) We got similarly 'off base' report from a local private eval we paid for too.

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