Strattera is a pill to swallow; our dose is a standard size capsule, which may be hard for some kids. I don't know whether it is available as a liquid alternative; many meds for kids in this age group are. I also don't know whether you're allowed to break open the capsule; it's long acting, so I suspect probably not.

For swallowing practice we started our DS on mini-M&Ms with a big wash of apple juice afterward, and he hasn't had trouble with pills.

Strattera has much less of a "WOW the kid is different now" impact than the stimulant ADHD meds do. We did start to notice subtle changes right away, and a cumulative effect within a week or so. The child actually remembers things now... such as his homework! But no effect on appetite or growth.

For us it's a real help. We do find we have to be consistent about giving it at the same time each day, but that's a worthwhile investment.
