I'd find out what specific tests the out of network person would do, and what their report typically includes.

What does in-network person say that out-of-network person can give you that in-network person can't give you? Is there an expertise gap?

$2k isn't out of line for an independent complete neuropsych workup, but I'd be tactical. If you don't need this report for treatment purposes (or school negotiations) moving forward, or if you can get what you need in network, why pay the premium?

On the other hand, some of the top of the line people are great at negotiating with schools and very usefully specific in their recommendations-- some will even come to school meetings and negotiate for you. If you need something to change and you haven't been able to make it change in other ways, it could be worth the 2k to you. Really depends on what you plan to solve using this information.
