Originally Posted by Cricket2
Thanks. The psych she's seen just once so far isn't convinced that it is ADD, though, so I don't think we are going to get a dx and meds for some time if that's what it is. She feels that anxiety is just as likely. Dd has her next appointment on the 16th, I believe. We'll see what we get from that.
Is there a way you can convey the information you are posting here to the psych? I respect that the psych isn't just rushing into the ADHD diagnosis.
In a way, your younger DD would be better off in a school that didn't have a gifted program. Are there any around? My son's district just offers Heterogeneous classes until High School.
I'd still try to talk to the Math Teacher and make it sound like the medication is coming 'any day now' to try and get the teacher to treat your daughter more kindly.

Best Wishes,

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