Hello Cricket2...After much reluctance, we finally decided on 5mg adderall for DS10's inattentiveness. Its only been a few days, so I will let you know how it's working later smile So far so good. DS has all of the complexities of giftedness, so I waited (probably too long) not do the medication route. I still believe that a lot of his behavior DOES have something to do with his overexcitabilities, personality type, giftedness...We tried every natural alternative out there, read a zillion books... What finally made me decide to try medication was that we were at our wits end as a family and his grades were dropping- Not because he couldn't do the work, but because he would continually forget a pencil, notebook, workbook, forget to turn in assignments, forget to bring home assignments, etc...etc...Ugh, it was a mess. Our homelife started to become so chaotic because we were always bringing him back to school to get "whatever" ... To get through nightly homework, we started to focus so much of our time on DS. Our other children started to resent the situation, lots of tears...I was afraid if we didn't get his "executive functioning" skills under control, he would start to have serious underacheivement and self-esteem issues...And not get approval for subject acceleration. Going on medication is never an easy decision...So many unique situations with our unique kids! Good luck with everything smile