Sorry to repeatedly post on my own thread, but this situation is causing me a lot of anxiety as well b/c I know that dd is suffering and we really aren't doing right by her. We either pretend she isn't particularly able (ignore IQ and higher achievement) and place her in avg groupings where the work is so easy that her attn to detail, etc. doesn't matter b/c she can coast or we stress her out by putting her in a more appropriate academic situation where she will be somewhat challenged but where the other kids are competitive and most aren't like her either (plus her anxiety is worse).

Honestly, my strong inclination is to take her out and homeschool as I had initially planned @ the begining of the year. The major stumbling blocks to that are:

* I work p/t and she'd be home alone for approx. 20 hrs/wk and she hates being alone.
* If she isn't in school at the end of this year to take the MAPS and the district readiness assessment for math, she won't qualify for subject acceleration in math in middle school should we send her back to school.
* If we keep her out for part of middle school and then send her back in, say, 7th or 8th grade, she likely won't get into the school we'd want to choice her to. Our neighborhood school isn't bad, but there is another option that would work better for her and our family and the odds of getting in are a lot better if you apply in 6th grade (which we have for next year).