Thanks! I was just thinking today on my way to meet with the psychologist about how far we have come...and how I want to continue on a good path. He started this year in a regular pre-k program where his behavior was not so good. He was actually kicked out of the program and the director stated that yes he was bright but that he would probably need a 1:1 aide forever and receive services through special ed. Since then he has been in a montessori program and behavior has been perfect. No problems at all, independent cooperative, polite, on task. I just worry about moving to first and having him not be stimulated intellectually and then acting crazy again. Glad to see I am not alone on this one. Our psychologist stated he will most likely need more skips as well as acceleration. She said just moving him to first won't be enough. We don't even have gifted programming in my district so she recommends that I contact the superintendent and set up a meeting with them. Yikes, a little overwhelming...but I guess it is needed.