Honestly at this point - I am feeling guilt regardless. The problem is - if you don't expose/ teach and not ncessarily hot house - but just teach ...will you ever really know what potential was lost v. what could have been gained?

I'm in agony at times deciding on whether to homeschool or not. What's being wasted right now is my big question? The ridiculous amount of time and energy we spend negotiating at public school - that could have gone into home schooling and coalitions investigation. Private schools here - like I think elsewhere are time consuming to research but I hear they will not accelerate the gifted kids iether as they tend to only take in 90th percentile kids and then try to "even them all out".

We have a Waldorf school - I've yet to fully investigate. I know one mother chose it because her 10 yr old had alreayd gone to college and she wanted him to just be a child and learn something different.

If the IQ was higher, I guess I'd feel more "enlightened" to do something for my child at home - though I've more ore less determined to supplment regular school with Susan Wise Bauer etc. type curriculum. I studied classics - so that approach suits me and also will hep me complete my own gaps in education. If DS6 has an "obession" we bend it - and try to make it spread over several "subject areas" - that seems sensible.

But what a hard decision - even with the 90th percentile scores on Woodcock Johnson. I ask myself am I being a fool to hesitate to pull him out?

Last edited by IronMom; 03/11/09 01:12 PM.