Originally Posted by IronMom
I think as parents we need to remember that happiness is probably the one goal we should be focused on. ...Now I've slowed down realising if I'm not there to use the extra things - what's the point. DS6 has he's own "obessions"/phases. Best to go with his flow!....End of the day - I just want DS6 to be challenged, reach his potential and be a happy productive person with a career he enjoys

Okay there was a lot more I could have quoted, but that will have to do. Just wanted to say I agree. Happiness really is the most important. Of course we want to meet our children's educational needs in order for them to be happy, but I do agree sometimes there is too much focus on giftedness on my end as well. I am of the "go with the flow" philosophy as well. We provide opporunities, but not training. I haven't "taught" my child much of anything unless he asks me specifically. I think if they are interested in things they will ask more. I do think that they need to be exposed to things that may make them start thinking, but I am sure that my son would thrive more if he was exposed more. Isn't that always how it works. And no regrets here so far in that area.

I remember reading books and praying that my child was a mildly to moderately gifted kid so life would be easier on everyone. I hate to admit it, but that's true. So if my son's results don't end up all that high, I am not concerned. I just want them to be as accurate as possible so that he can get the support and help that I perceive he will need.

Good luck to you!