Well, he had the WJ today. She said that he blew through it. I did get a few other hints and I don't like the sound of them.

Last time during the WISC, she mentioned that he seemed to have attentional issues and she mentioned that he took many of the tests standing up. She also used the words "asynchronous development" a lot. She agreed with me that homeschooling would allow me to educate him at his various paces.

This time, she said that I needed to learn about 2E. She also said that I should look at GATE in our city and said that it is a good program but stressed that he needed support in his weaker areas. She then hinted about scores. Gulp. She said that his worst score was average (ten) and she thinks that was in processing speed. She then said that the others were at least one standard deviation above the mean. She said that off the top of her head, she remembered a 13. That is not what we were expecting. How could it be that his teachers are so amazed by his abilities? What about all of those spiritual questions? Also, she said that I needed to read up on giftedness and education and so forth. Why would I need to do that if he's only got a FSIQ of say, 115? She mentioned that his scores were probably an under-estimation based on his hyperactivity and such. She also said that the discussion was premature because she hasn't done the norming. She also told me that there were LOG and explained the difference between high achieving/intellectual (does well in school) and giftedness (asks why). (I was playing dumb deliberately.) Thoughts? Feedback and scores are next Monday.

Last edited by giftedticcyhyper; 03/10/09 12:25 PM.