I hope this is still nominally on the original topic for the thread. We're thinking about testing DS4 this summer, just after he turns 5. I have most of the anxieties that people have expressed here, including the anxiety that he will score higher than I'd have thought, that he will score lower than I'd have thought, that he will terminally offend the examiner and not score at all, and so on. My main question, though, is whether there is a good reason to wait an extra year to test. I have the vague memory that some gurus have mentioned (Dottie?) that tests for those under 6 are very hard to interpret. (Or was this about the WPPSI in particular?) On the other hand, various people seem pretty content with SB-5 results for those in the 5 y.o. range (Shellymos? Pending results, at least?) Our plan would be to give the SB-5 when DS is about 5.0. One reason for us not to wait is that DW is expecting no. 2 in the Fall, and we don't know what kind of chaos that will throw the house into. Is there any consensus on whether there's a good counterbalancing argument for waiting an extra year? Our main goal is to get some sense for LOG so that we can do educational planning with the school.