BaseballDad - Yes we haven't gotten results back yet, but I feel that it went well. And while I had the normal concerns about whether he would actually even sit there for the test...whether it would be too much on him emotionally, etc...none of those things were issues at all. He did not seemed the littlest bit stressed out by it. And while he needed breaks and was a little more active the last two mornings of testing, she told me that he was able to do well and "complete all the tasks" DS is now 4 yrs. and 8 months. We tested him this early because of school starting in the fall and figuring out what to do with him. I know I haven't seen the results yet, but I would like to see if they can do some subject acceleration with him. I just can't see him going to a regular K at all. And I too at first worried that he would come out too high...and as time goes on now I worry that he will be too low. LOL, not sure why I have thought that one at all but I guess you never know. I will let you know whether or not his test revealed results that will be helpful or not when I get them back.