Hi - time to introduce myself properly and commiserate with giftedticcyhyper! Today was the day we got the written diagnosis from our doctor on DS6 - and the results of his tests. I tried not to be too nervous - in part because I did not suspect profound giftedness - but also because I knew we would have a twice exceptional diagnosis due to behavior issues since he started school last Fall.

Our overall score was only 111% - so above average in most if not all areas. However, I'd really appreicate feedback from others - especially those of you that love the testing process -because for reading and even spelling - we were into the 99% for age group. Over half the scores were above average and into the 90's and the doctor did say that he was sure this was only an approximation of ability due to the ADHD and ODD issues.

DS6 refused to do most of the tests, will not do math questions that he considers too repetetive or easy, threw pillows, slammed a door during testing. I even heard him yell "We are not done and I am not going back to my mother" and he told me he had done that after the tester threated to bring him back to me and after he was trhowing pencils on the floor because he didn't "want to do all that work". Major issue with DS6 the past several months in school has been getting him to comply with anything that doesn't meet his own intellectual agenda.

Will be so grateful to network with other twice exceptioanl parents facing same issues and the rest of you as totally isolated right now as far as peers for DS6 go, and peers for myself too! Would also LOVE to hear more about the Top 12 psychologist and gifted tester lists as so far have not used a gifted expert for these tests.

Anyway - hope it helps to know you are not alone - and that even if you get a socre below 115 - there are still parts of the testing that they will single out taht can reach the 99% range. Perhaps a testing "expert" here can tell me if that's totally naive as far as getting DS6 into various gifted programs go - as maybe they use the ovearll score - but here in VA - DS6 could at least attend William and Mary's Saturday morning program. I was told they just have to score over 95% in at least one subject area/or part of the test.