Thank you everyone for your advice and words of wisdom.

Our son was tested this morning, and it looks as if my mommy gut was confirmed, and then some. We don't have scores yet, but based on what the tester was saying, he's way up there.

About a year or so ago, when my husband and I started to realize that our son had a special gift, I started doing reading about gifted issues. I will never forget something in the first GT-related book that I read (the name of the book escapes me now). It talked about the difficulties and challenges of raising a gifted child, and basically said, "Hang on for the ride!" No kidding! I feel like I am dipping my big toe in a huge ocean that is raising/educating a gifted child, and it is definitely overwhelming! It is so comforting to know that there are others out there "like me".

Again, your thoughts were truly appreciated. smile