I actually remember being very nervous before my son was tested. I was so afraid that his score would be average and I would have wasted my money trying to "prove" he was gifted. My mommy gut said that he was moderately gifted but I figured that all parents think their children are the smartest and most gifted kids in the world at some point. We were also seeing tons of behaviour issues that seemed to fit with him being gifted and in the wrong preschool setting--if he actually wasn't gifted (or didn't test gifted) could I convince myself and DH that he needed a new school environment.

When the tester told me that he was not only gifted but highly gifted based on the testing I was so relieved that someone had validated my concerns and observations over the past year.

In our case the mommy gut held true and from reading on here and talking with other parents it does seem like the parent knows best when it comes to LOG (despite my own personal under estimate of my son).
