Reviewing a test with DD8 last night, we found a word problem describing a rectangular field 8 meters by 9 meters, calculate the area and perimeter. It was multiple choice, and two of the answers were:

B - Area 72 meters, Perimeter 34 square meters
C - Area 72 square meters, perimeter 34 meters.

DD incorrectly chose B, because they're apparently telling the children to memorize that square units apply to area, without bothering to explain WHY. I gave her a 5-minute intro to exponents, and she gathered why the terms "squared" and "cubed" apply to the second and third powers two minutes in.

So, my outrage over area and perimeter continue. Last year when DD was in 2nd grade, I was outraged because they were teaching how to calculate area before they'd introduced multiplication. Now it's because they're focusing on proper unit terms before they've introduced exponents. This is why I don't remember covering area and perimeter until I got to Geometry in 9th grade... because back in the olden times they had this silly idea that it was necessary to understand the underlying concepts first.
