Originally Posted by Nautigal
DD now in 2nd grade likes to draw, so she can be found drawing pictures of everything even when they don't ask for it. It drives me to distraction when I'm walking her through her homework and she keeps stopping to draw pictures of apples and stuff. Gah!

sweet mother of cheese this kills me, too. they taught DD5 to do that last year in Pre-K, and for stuff she can CLEARLY do in her head in two seconds, she's literally drawing detailed robots and things. i kind of wish she was still in school, so that they could reap the full horror of what they've sown.

and re: 70+10=80... seriously? WHY then do they drone on and on about Fact Families if they don't want kids to USE THEM. (bangs head on desk)

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.