Oh, gosh... sometimes it feels like we could supply content to an entire thread all on our own.

This week's gem:

T/F Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein for Lord Byron.


DD: "In what sense do they mean.... "FORRRRRR" him? She hated him. Not like she'd have written a novel FOR him. Not really. But on the other hand... it was sort of this 'exercise' that Byron kind of sparked to start with, and she was the only one of them that actually finished the resultant novel... AUGH!! I have no idea what they are looking for here!!!" (She got this wrong, by the way, with her 'strict' interpretation that Mary Shelley would probably sooner have chewed off her own writing arm than do ANYTHING "for" Byron.)


I'm also trying to recall a particularly bad cloze question with answer selections from when DD was in 4th grade. It was hilarious, because one of the cloze selections given was grammatically correct-- and hilarious. DD picked right up on it.

I think it was:

"Jenny is __________ by her classmates."

One of the selections was "profiting." DD explained that if Jenny were a clever girl, perhaps she had figured out how to do homework for cash. LOL...

Yes, her English teacher gave her credit for it.

I'll remember some real doozies from social studies and science, I'm sure.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.