From our high-stakes STATE EXAM (ISTEP+ in Indiana) for 4th graders two years ago (it's a "released" question available on the internet, so I'm okay to post it, BTW)...

Kevin is using wooden rods to make picture frames. The length and width of one picture frame and the length of one wooden rod are shown below:

(diagram of a rectangle with dimensions of 10 inches and 8 inches marked, and a single wooden rod marked with a length of 48 inches)

1) What is the perimeter, inches, of the picture frame?
(straight forward -- no complaints there)

2) How many wooden rods does Kevin need if he makes 4 picture frames like the one above?

Well, the only answer they gave credit for was 3 -- perimeter x 4 divided by 48. However, I had several of my high ability students (who are always cautioned by me to NOT over-think questions on these tests because they understandably have the tendency to do so) give the answer of 16. Four picture frames...four sides in a need sixteen wooden rods.

And now MY compensation as a teacher in the state of Indiana is tied to the results of standardized tests written with questions like this?!?