Reading through, if your child has potential, you are giving them options. If your child doesn't succeed in world terms, then they didn't have potential and you are a horrid parent for pushing them?

Lang Lang told the story of how his father walked with him at a year old and would draw notes in the sand with a stick to start teaching him music. And also how he almost quit in his teens because it is the teens and hormones come into play but his father pushed. He is now Lang Lang the world famous musician and many debate his natural talent and style compared to others. But even though he was pushed along the path, he is very grateful for the outcome and glad he is not just the average person out there.

Hard to provide the right options for your kid. I want my kid to be happy and we laugh a lot together, there is joy and fun in her life but there is a structure also so that she can take advantage and create options in her. So I expect her to learn Mandarin and do advanced math online, I have broken in a dance routine with her on a subway platform, where some musician was playing. We got a lot of applause, though no money. There is fun, despite how this forum views me as this retched Tiger mom.