Originally Posted by Bostonian
... Congress and the president should drastically cut the E.F.C. — by around 75 percent, to reflect the fact that since 1980 tuition has risen at nearly five times the rate of the Consumer Price Index. Doing so would force colleges to construct financial aid packages without the artificial price supports of inflated contribution numbers — and make paying for college less agonizing.
Some may favor this approach and/or whatever it takes to have the costs and cost increases clearly understood by the public... was the steady increase in tuition truly due mainly to the availability of credit?
Funding research? Shifting costs to some students in order to subsidize others? Paying out lifetime retirement benefits? The most effective answers to controlling costs of higher education may be in identifying the areas of cost growth, prior to considering how growing costs might be funded. As with gifted students, each institution may have a unique profile, and therefore a unique approach, rather than a one-size-fits-all policy.