Hmmm... well, currently there are several trades/technical programs in which one can generate 20-30K in non-dischargable debt for a chance to be just as unemployable as before you started. While I realize that isn't quite so daunting, it probably is if you wind up only being employable at (or well below) minimum wage and still trying to pay off student loans. Oh sure, it's lower tuition. It's just two years, in many cases. But it sure does seem like a pyramid scheme to me, and a particularly cruel one which preys on those LEAST able to afford repayment for something that gave them so little.

At least if you've gone to law school, you CAN simply trade on your (potentially more valuable) undergraduate diploma on a vita.

I'm also trying to envision a future in which everyone is a pediatric dentist or orthodontist. wink

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.