Originally Posted by Dude
However, colleges remain committed to their sports programs because they make the school look good, helping them in their recruiting for academic students. But recruiting costs don't end there, because prospective students are also drawn towards newer or upgraded facilities, and top ranks in US News rankings. So there's an arms race in those areas as well... leading to MORE escalating costs.

The result is, once again, an arms race that yields escalating costs and an increasing number of losers.

This problem is caused the massive origination of credit that has no business existing in the first place. It's actually *very* adaptive, in the Darwinian sense, until suddenly, it isn't.

Law schools just hit the "isn't" point and it sure is fun to watch.


You know, I haven't heard any rumblings about going after collegiate football programs for the entire brain damage problem that the NFL just got whacked with.


Need to look into that one.

Last edited by JonLaw; 01/07/14 12:54 PM. Reason: Because I am not friends with the English language.