Yes, I agree with you, Wren-- but societal/cultural forces are definitely being brought to bear on parental attitudes.

You're right, of course, that there is NO compelling reason for many people to obtain a "college education" as a substitute for apprenticeships and on-the-job training.

Then again, the same thing which is currently true in law school graduates COULD conceivably become the case with The Next Big Thing in the trades, as well. Just how many ultrasound technicians or plumbers DOES the nation need, anyway?

The problem is that everyone wants to know where the Gold Ring is, and encourage their child(ren) to grab for it. Just like everyone else, which simultaneously devalues the item which was of value largely as a result of high quality and scarcity to start with... meaning that as soon as you have a raft of WalMart consumers seeking any particular "method" then that method becomes the equivalent of a Happy Meal as opposed to a 3-star restaurant experience. KWIM?

The Right Thing For My Particular Child has now become the somewhat abridged version given our relative national deficit in literacy; parents can't be bothered with THAT. Too many words. No, instead they would rather have;

The Right Thing.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.