Originally Posted by bluemagic
Why do you think math is more versatile than say an degree in English? My BA is in math and when I left school the only things I could figure out to do with my degree was to become a computer programmer, a teacher, or go to graduate school. It was the late 80's, it wasn't that hard to became a computer programmer.

Because I expect "college" in general to result in excellent communication skills-- no matter the major.

Also, because writing as a skill (that is, finely wrought rhetorical skill, nuanced persuasive writing, excellent usage and editing ability) is simply not valued much anymore.

While I feel that this is somewhat grotesque, to say the least, in a society which requires every bit as much literacy as it did prior to the internet, I can't change that fact.

Math is valued because too few people can do it well.

English is not because most people have given up caring.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.