Originally Posted by chay
As I said we're all socialists and communists anyways so we're ok with that wink More seriously though, yes most people pay taxes but we have a far more progressive tax system so statistically speaking the ones that didn't go to university on average make less and pay far less in taxes than those who did go to university and on average make more.
I don't think Canada has a "far more progressive" tax system than the United States:

Other countries don’t have a “47%”
Washington Post
September 19, 2012 at 12:43 pm

The United States has by far the most progressive income, payroll, wealth and property taxes of any developed country. Scandinavian social democracies like Denmark, Sweden and Norway have quite regressive direct taxes, as do the Netherlands and Switzerland. Foreign British territories are more progressive, but neither Australia nor Canada is nearly as progressive as the United States.
The disparity is even starker when you bring sales taxes into the mix, as VATs are an extremely important source of revenue for most European countries as well as Australia and Canada
Canadian income tax rates are at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/fq/txrts-eng.html (top rate of 29%) and U.S. income tax rates are at http://taxes.about.com/od/Federal-Income-Taxes/qt/Tax-Rates-For-The-2013-Tax-Year.htm (top rate of 39.6%). Many U.S. states also have progressive income taxes.