Well... My husband and I sat down last night and decided that the battle wasn't worth the cost with the fragile state our 6 yr old is in. He has been begging to "do homeschooling" for most of the year.

I got an email back with the teacher's response to my request for a meeting. She says she'll "hear" about Emotional Safety but she wants to tell me about "school/classroom expectations" and the ideas she has to try. Our advocate is terrific but our teacher is truly toxic.

With the immensely difficult things we are dealing with in our marriage and some other significant stressors, we just feel like the road at school is longer and harder than we can currently manage. And frankly, even the successful result of good hard advocacy still doesn't resemble what our child needs. I don't want that to be true but it's clear that it is.

My mother said, what if we decide to go back in a year or two? I told her it was unlikely. He is currently in 1st and needing about 4th grade level work across the board. He makes more than a year of progress in an academic year. School ends at 5th there. I don't think I'll want to place him in middle school in a year or two either. So here we are in our PG 2e boat where nothing really fits.