Only have a moment but met with the Advocate... WOW! She is wonderful! She has given me an approach to re-open the discussion at school by sitting down with the teacher to talk about Emotional Safety. She is a 2e expert and presents often. I've sent an email and have a plan. I also invited the school psych and social worker to join us and share their expertise.

She told me her story about being a rigid teacher in her past and how she learned to approach teaching and life differently... She was very wise.

So I'm trying to meet Monday for a heart to heart about making the classroom environment safe and supportive for my child. (Social/Emotional Learning is a big initiative there and I tied my email in to that and made it very personal.)

Family Doc referred us to a Pediatric GI and won't be helpful beyond that. Advocate gave me a referral to a new local Psych that she recommends for us.