HappilyMom, I would keep him home until the school makes ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the teacher understands and WILL IMPLEMENT any and all accommodations. It is the only "weapon" you have to correct the situation. They are required to provide a free and APPROPRIATE education. My DD had a teacher like this in K and we are still paying the price for it. I kick myself almost every day for not following my instinct and following the advice I am giving you now.

I would email the principal explaining what happened and that you will not be sending your son back unless/until you can be sure the classroom will be a safe place for him. After that it will be in the principal's hands. S/he will determine how best to educate the teacher and ensure your DS receives the appropriate accommodations. I agree 100% with Polarbear - he should not have to ask for accommodations - the adults should come up with a plan to address his needs. But from my perspective this needs to go through the principal, not the teacher. Not *getting* the LD issues is one thing - actively punishing them? Nope. She loses her seat at the table as far as I am concerned. Time to move it up the foodchain for someone other than the parent to explain to her why this is so inappropriate.

(FYI When DD's K teacher actively punished her deficits the school administrators were horrified. The teacher proudly acknowledged that she had done it and fervently believed it was appropriate and necessary. This was not something that I as a parent could address. Her superiors HAD to be made aware of the situation and had to be the ones to address it with her...)