Originally Posted by questions
Finally, re: the hothousing discussion, I am either hothousing or homeschooling. But based on DS's tears this evening begging not to go back to school, asking to be saved, I'd say it's the right thing. His biggest complaint is that he hasn't learned anything this year. He is begging me to become his teacher...

Oh Questions,
It makes me so sad to hear about DS in tears over school. There will be a time when DS forgets to remember that he wants to learn and be challenged intellectually, when he's more interested in what his friends think than what the teachers think. If you are considering homeschooling, then consider that you can end his school year when you feel he has had enough - there is so prize to sticking it out until June.

Can you keep him home one day a week while possible changes are being make for 'part time' homeschooling. Yes you can say he's 'under the weather' every Wednesday from not until June! Or can you manufacture some reason to pick him up after lunch twice a week?

Problem is, if a kid is in tear over not learning at school they are activly being damaged. Most likely it is you, dear, who will have to undo the damage - and the more there is, the harder there is.

I don't mean to scare you, but I kept my DS in a 'poor fit' situation for 6 months, hoping for the next meeting, or the next adjustment...looking back I just wish I hadn't! Anyway, we've paid the price over and over and are still paying it. Perhaps there was some larger good being accomplished that will only be clear 25 years from now....but....((sigh))

My DS11 is so emotional at times, and so stoic at other times, that I think it was hard for me to take his cryes for help seriously. Thankfully he acted out after a while and sent up the red flags.

Love and More Love,

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