Thanks for all the great comments. I think I'm still in the "gifted denial" stage. I know DD4 can read, but he's just not interested in it right now, so I should just let it be.

Mia - I'll try capt. underpants, I forgot about him. Thinking back, I introduced that to my 9-year-old nephew who didn't want to read... Seems so odd now, to give it to a 4 year old.

Too bad there aren't any books with Frog and Toad amount of words and Hobbit content! (Wait - maybe there are - don't they print some books in huge font for people with poor eyesight? Hmmmm.)

Grinity - thanks for the book recommendations. Some I haven't heard of that I'll check out. As for gauging DS's interest level, it's a very large range. Before bed last night, one of the books DS selected was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! He still thinks it's funny.

Kimck - I love how your son didn't call himself a reader until he chose his own books. It's nice to hear that he didn't really want to read until kindergarten. I have recently learned that my child is not normal (i.e., HG+), but now i get paranoid when i see he's not doing what so many other kids did. I know i'm crazy to compare, but I'm only human.

And I suppose he is actually reading quite a bit when he's finding and learning new games on the internet by himself. I guess i'd better monitor him a bit more.

Thanks again for the great support and advice. I love that I always leave here with a few concrete examples of things to try!