My rule: if the child is driving the bus, then it cannot be hothousing. You're not pushing, he is. You're doing what all good parents do: you're answering his questions and letting go when he gets tired of the subject. He is only 5, and he's really, really bright. He's not going to fall behind at this point, so don't stress too much about school. Follow his lead.

That he's loving learning again is a GREAT sign! Go with it! What you're doing is just what you should be doing. Follow his lead.

Have you asked him if he's ready to do some more rigorous learning? If you see signs of boredom, ask him if he'd like to do more. Limiting computer and video game time can help with getting to this point, we've found. Ask him what he'd like to learn about. Expose him to new things and if he seems intrigued, follow up.

Remember that you only have to be sure that your DS is making a year's worth of progress in a year's worth of time. With kids who love learning, they could probably do this if you locked them in a room alone. As you're not going to do that, it will be pretty easy to make progress.

The younger the child, the shorter the lesson--unless they want to keep going. 15 minutes at age 5 is plenty for anything that you're giving him, but be prepared to do one thing that he's loving for a whole day. Be flexible, be open to doing more or less, as needed.

If you're watching him--as it sounds like you are--you'll do fine. No stress!

And remind yourself that you can't do worse than the school he was in, right? That his love of learning is back tells you that! You're already ahead of the game.

To ease your mind, I recommend that you look at a copy of "What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know" by E.D. Hirsch. (It's a series, so there's one for every grade, and I'd almost guarantee that it's in your local library.) It will really reassure you! DS6 had nearly all of the K and 1st grade stuff down before we even began home schooling. We read a couple of books about Sacagawea and Squanto (since Native Americans were too recent to interest him!), and it was all covered. You'll be amazed at how little you need to do, I'll bet!

Hang in there, and don't stress yourself out. It will be a LOT easier than you think it will be! smile
