St Pauli Mom,
I don't think that the skill of reading needs to be pushed at age 4 - his little eyes may not be ready to handle much at this time. Or he just may not be that interested in that level of book - after all, what do you read when you read to him? I would continue to play games that use the intellectual skills of reading. What do I mean?

sort of take reading 'apart' in your mind and ask what kinds of activites have the same skills as parts of the reading process - here's my quick list to get you started:
Spelling Games,
The game where the last letter my word becomes the first letter of your word.
Make up your own story
Worksheets at a variety of grade levels when you need him to be busy.
Word-search puzzles
Educational CD rom games
Audiobooks at 2nd through 5th grade level, or beyond, if he has an interest.
Leap-pad? ((Shrug))
He may be interested in writing (handwriting without tears has terrific products)
What about writing and preforming plays? Let him use the camcorder!

Love and More Love,

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